If you want us to show you our country, you have the double experience that we twin brothers have.

After having biked for more than 30 years through all the places in our geography, we know all the corners of the Spanish or French Basque Country, La Rioja, Navarra… . From multi-day mountain bike routes with our saddlebags (today called Bike packaing) to one-day routes through remote areas. We design both mountain bike and road routes, we check them, we supervise the accommodations and are able to give an integral service of what a bicycle trip is.

Contact information

Any inquiry about the routes  or   services  we provide  feel free to use the form or just contact us through any of the following ways.

+34 943 223 760

+34 636 195 385


Have a question? We are here to help.
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Basque Bike Tours
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